The element of style

The element of style

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1.From the possessive singular of nouns by adding’s.

  • 直接加's构造所有格,也不用管最后的辅音 >Charles’s friend
    Burns’s poems
    the witch’s malice
  • 例外:古代的专有名词的所有格(不包括Jesus’) > Moses’Laws—->the laws of Moses
  • 不定代词(indefinite pronouns)同样加's构造
  • 不要混淆itsit's

2.In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction,use a comma after each term except the last.

  • 连续的几个词,除了最后一个词,前面的都要加, >Thus write red,white,and blue
    gold,silver,or copper
    He opened the letter,read it,and made a note of its contents.
  • 作为公司名,倒数第二个单词后面的,也要省略 >Little,Brown and Company
    Donaldson,Lufkin & Jenrette

3.Enclose parenthetic expressions between commas.

  • 在两个,之间放置插入语
  • 如果插入语不怎么影响句子流,则两个,可以省略,但是绝对不要省略一个,而留下另一个
  • 日期经常含有插入语 >February to july,1992
    April 6,1986
    Wednesday,November 14,1990
  • 比较好的写法是用单词分割数字而不用, >6 April 1988

  • 呼语(direct address)中的名字和头衔,是插入语 > If,Sir,you refuse,I cannot predict what will happen. > Well,Susan,this is a fine mess you are in.

  • etc.,ie.,and e.g.和名字后面的学位缩写,头衔缩写